13th February 2025

Search Hilton Parish Council

This development is located on the north side of Derby Road, between the Little Stars Nursery and Talbot Turf.

It is part of South Derbyshire District Council's Local Plan Part 2 and is therefore an agreed location for building; it has received both outline and detailed planning permission.

  • Derby Road development - Planning objection (PDF, 240 Kb)

    The objection was on a number of issues, but principally around the lack of a noise assessment given the proximity of the A50. It also question the validity of the traffic data, parking provision, and the location of the pedestrian crossing.

  • Derby Road development - 2nd Planning objection (PDF, 678 Kb)

    Further to the 1st objection (above) the Planning committee instructed that a Noise Assessment be completed (Condition 6). This was submitted in September 2019. The assessment did not explain in detail how the potential overheating risks due to the need to keep house windows closed would be mitigated. This is a requirement of the standards.

    This was considered by SDDC Planning but it was rejected due to the fact that there were existing houses in the vicinity which were currently experiencing the same level of noise.

Last updated: Thu, 17 Oct 2019 08:27