13th February 2025

Search Hilton Parish Council

Waste Bins becoming full - action being taken

Waste Bins becoming full - action being taken

Some people have commented that dog poo bins have become full and have not been emptied. Please bear with us one of our team has a family crisis and hasn't been able to attend work and as some of you may know we've recently lost a member of staff who has moved onto another job, leaving us with just one lengthsman trying to cover what is a very large village / small town.

If you find a Dog Waste bin full please feel free to use another regular bin nearby. We are attempting to resolve the issue as soon as we can (we've so far had 3 temporary staff fail to show up).

We are attempting to find a suitable agency worker to cover the gap prior to recruiting a new role in our grounds team. If you are interested in helping out or know someone who can for the next 2 months or so please take a look at Outdoor Maintenance Operative (Labourer) - QS Recruitment

Posted: Wed, 4 Sep 2024

Tags: Community, News, waste